Every cell in your body has a nerve that goes to it. The same nerve that goes to a muscle or skin cell also goes to the organs, glands, tissues and blood vessels in that area. Your brain and central nervous system control how all parts and systems of your body perform their functions. Irritation to nerves can cause functional problems like headaches, fatigue, sinus allergies and sleep problems, irritability and digestive problems. It can cause sensory problems like pain, tension, tingling and numbness.
How chiropractic works is similar to removing a pebble from a shoe. Have you ever had a pebble in your shoe? A tiny pebble, because of its constant irritation of a nerve, can drive you crazy. At first it feels like a pressure, then an irritation, and finally, pain. What happens if you move the pebble around in your shoe, but you don’t remove it. It hurts everywhere it goes, doesn’t it? That’s because there is a nerve to every cell in your body. So what did you do about the pebble? You took your shoe off and took it out, right? If someone else had a pebble in their shoe and told you they were taking medication for the pebble irritation, that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it? It is not logical to treat a physical problem with a chemical solution! |